Theme 9
CHAPTER-1. INTRODUCTION.IntroductionLECTURE-11.1. Brief Historical Overview.
1.2. Classification of Radio Waves by Frequency Bands.
1.3. Classification of Radio Waves by their Propagation Mechanisms.
1.4. The Earth’s Atmosphere and its Structure.
1.5. Interferences in RF Transmission Links.
CHAPTER-2. BASICS OF ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES THOERY2.1. Electromagnetic ProcessLECTURE-22.1.1. Maxwell’s Equations of Electrodynamics
2.1.2. Boundary Conditions of Electrodynamics
LECTURE-32.1.3. Time-Harmonic Electromagnetic Process – Classification of Media by Conductivity
2.2. Free Propagation of Uniform Plane Radio WavesLECTURE-4General Relations
2.2.1. Uniform Plane Wave in Lossless Medium
2.2.2. Uniform Plane Wave in Lossy Medium
2.3. Polarization of the Radio WavesLECTURE-52.3.1. Basic Relations
2.3.2. Linear Polarization (LP)
2.3.3. Circular Polarization (CP)
2.3.4. Elliptical Polarization (EP)
2.4. Reflection and Refraction of Radio Wave from the Boundary of Two MediaLECTURE-62.4.1. Introductory Remarks
2.4.2. Normal Incidence on a Plane Boundary
2.4.3. Oblique Incidence on a Plane Boundary
2.4.4. Power Reflection and Transmission
2.4.5. Reflection of the Radio Wave from the Boundary of Nonideal Dielectric Medium
2.6. Spatial Area Significant for Radio Waves PropagationLECTURE-72.6.1. Huygens Principle
2.6.2. Fresnel Zones
3.2. Basic Parameters of Antennas
LECTURE-83.1.1. Brief Introduction
3.2.1. Radiation Pattern and Directivity
3.2.2. Radiation Resistance, Loss resistance, and Antenna Gain
3.2.3. Antenna Effective Length
3.2.4. Antenna Effective Area of Aperture
3.3. General Relations in Radio Wave Propagation TheoryLECTURE-93.3.1. General Relations in Radio Wave Propagation Theory
CHAPTER-4. IMPACT OF THE EARTH SURFACE ON PROPAGATION OF GROUND WAVES4.1. Propagation Between Antennas Elevated Above the GroundLECTURE-104.1.1. Flat Earth Approximation
LECTURE-114.1.2. Propagation over the Spherical Earth Surface
LECTURE-124.1.3. Specifics of Propagation over a Rough and Hilly Terrain
4.1.4. Optimal Path Clearance and Choice of the Antenna Elevations
4.1. Propagation Between Antennas Elevated Above the GroundLECTURE-134.1.5. Propagation Prediction Models in Urban, Suburban and Rural Areas
4.2. Propagation Between Ground-Based Antennas Over the Flat EarthLECTURE-144.2.1. Antennas over the Flat, Perfect Ground Plane
4.2.2. Leontovich Approximate Boundary Conditions and Structure of Radio Waves Near the Earth’s Surface
LECTURE-154.2.3. Propagation over the Real Homogeneous Flat Earth
4.2.4. Propagation Along the Real Inhomogeneous Flat Earth: Coastal Refraction
4.3. Asymptotic Diffraction Theory (ADT) of Propagation over the Spherical Earth SurfaceLECTURE-164.3.1. Basic Concepts
4.3.2. Propagation Between Ground-Based Antennas
LECTURE-174.3.3. Propagation Between Elevated Antennas
4.3.4. Specifics of Propagation Estimates in Penumbra Zone
CHAPTER-5. ATMOSPHERIC EFFECTS IN RADIO WAVE PROPAGATION5.2. Regular Refraction of the Radio Waves in the Atmosphere
5.3. Standard Atmosphere and Tropospheric Refraction
LECTURE-185.2. Regular Refraction of the Radio Waves in the Atmosphere
5.3. Standard Atmosphere and Tropospheric Refraction
5.1. Dielectric Permittivity and Conductivity of Ionized Gas
5.4. Reflection and Refraction of the Sky Waves in the Ionosphere
LECTURE-195.1. Dielectric Permittivity and Conductivity of Ionized Gas
5.4. Reflection and Refraction of the Sky Waves in the Ionosphere
5.5. The Impact of the Earth’s Magnetic Field on Propagation of the Radio Waves in the IonosphereLECTURE-205.5.1. Propagation Along Geomagnetic Field Lines
5.5.2. Propagation Perpendicular to Geomagnetic Field Lines
LECTURE-215.5.3. Propagation of the Radio Wave Arbitrary Oriented Relative to the Earth’s Magnetic Field
5.5.4. Reflection and Refraction of the Radio Waves in the Magneto-Active Ionosphere
5.7. Over-the-Horizon Propagation of the Radio Waves by the Tropospheric Scattering MechanismLECTURE-225.7.6. Propagation Factor on Secondary Tropospheric Radio Links
5.7.7. The Specifics of the Secondary Tropospheric Radio Links Performance
5.8. Attenuation of the Radio Waves in the AtmosphereLECTURE-235.8.1. Attenuations in Troposphere
5.8.2. Attenuations in Ionosphere
CHAPTER-6. RECEPTION OF THE RADIO WAVES6.1. Multiplicative Interferences (Signal Fades)LECTURE-246.1.1. Fluctuation Processes and Stability of Radio Links
6.1.2. Fast Fading Statistical Distributions
LECTURE-256.1.3. Slow Fading Statistical Distribution
6.1.4. Combined Distribution of Fast and Slow Fades. Signal Stability in Long-term Observations
6.2. Additive Interferences (Noises)LECTURE-266.2.1. Internal Noises of One- and Two-Port Networks
6.2.2. Noise Figure and Noise Temperature of the Cascaded Two-Port Networks
6.2.3. Noise Figure of the Passive Two-Port Network
LECTURE-276.2.4. Antenna Noise Temperature
6.2.5. Environmental (External) Noise
6.2.6. Basics of RF Link Performance Stability Analysis
6.3. Methods of improvement of the radio waves reception performanceLECTURE-286.3.1. Noise Suppressing Modems for the Analog RF Links Improvement
6.3.2. Digital RF Links Performance Improvement.
6.3.3. Use of Spread-Spectrum Discrete Signals
6.3.4. Diversity Reception Technique